vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

In Russia the lowest prices for cigarettes

The inadmissible fact named the method of an embedded advertising of smoking extended in Russia the committee-man of the State Duma on health protection, the representative of fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Oleg Kulikov.
“Now almost in each film there is a latent propagation of smoking is is inadmissible”, - the deputy in interview REGIONS.RU / has declared ”Federation News”, having suggested to limit both obvious, and an embedded advertising of cigarettes.
The member of parliament also supports smoking restriction in public places and active propagation of a healthy way of life.
Having ascertained that to Russia “the lowest prices for cigarettes”, Oleg Kulikov has advised to enter rigid sanctions concerning sale of cigarettes by the minor and to limit realisation of tobacco products near to educational institutions.

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